How do you count cassava tubers in your language?
With this quizz, we are interested to know how you will count cassavas in your language. The picture shows us three of them. Will your language require an additional item? Tell more about it.
With this quizz, we are interested to know how you will count cassavas in your language. The picture shows us three of them. Will your language require an additional item? Tell more about it.
November 24, 2023 at 13:26
En Fotouni, nous dirons “kessala mkwon tit ” c’est à dire ” trois tubercules de manioc”.
November 30, 2023 at 17:26
Madame Chauvin, merci de votre réponse. Pouvez-vous nous expliquer ce que signifie “mkwon” et dans quel autre contexte il peut être utilisé en Fotouni?